Here are some clever household cleaning hacks from my April newsletter.
Steam-clean your microwave. Cut a lemon in half and
put it in a microwave-safe dish filled with water. Zap it
until the water boils. Let it steam for another minute
before opening. The gunk can now be wiped away with
less effort.
Speed up dryer time. Throw one clean dry towel in with
your wet clothes before starting the dryer. 10-15
minutes later, take it out. The dry towel will absorb some
of the excess moisture.
Clean scorched pans. Fill the bottom of the
pan with water and a cup of white vinegar.
Simmer. Remove the pan and add 2
tablespoons baking soda. Empty the pan and
scrub lightly to remove burn marks.
Dust lamp shades with an adhesive lint
remover roll.
Dusting magic. Use “used” dryer sheets to pick up dust on your computer keyboard
and screen, wipe the TV screen, buff out water spots on the bath mirror, clean murky
car windshields, and pick up dirt from your baseboards.
For more great articles downland and view my April Newsletter: April Newsletter – Matt
Best wishes, Matt