Tax Appeal Time – Help With Your Atlantic County, NJ Tax Appeals.


I’ve been getting calls from clients regarding appealing their Atlantic County, NJ property tax valuations.  In an effort to help I’d like to include some resources to help with this process.

The deadline to appeal taxes is April 1st.  All of the information and forms required can be found here:  Here is a link to the form you’ll need to download and complete:

You’ll see on form A-1 that you will need to provide 5 comparable sales to justify your appeal.  Comparable sales used as evidence in 2015 should have occurred between October 1, 2013 and October 1, 2014.  This is where many people get stuck coming up with this information.

If you need help completing the form or obtaining comparable properties I am available to help.

For a fee of $50.00 I will locate the 5 best comparables and email them to you with full details including lot and block number and addresses.  (This service is free to current and past clients)

If you need additional help completing form A-1 I can also help for an additional $75.00 fee.

Note:  The county charges a separate filing fee ranging from $5.00 to $150.00 based on the assessed valuation. The filing fee schedule is as follows:

If the assessment appealed is:
Less than $150,000 $5.00
$150,000 or more, but less than $500,000 $25.00
$500,000 or more, but less than $1,000,000 $100.00
$1,000,000 or more $150.00

Best wishes on saving money on your taxes!


P.S.  Call me if you need my help with your property tax appeal.  I have a limited amount of time set aside to help with this so call me at 609-484-9890 ext. 132 if you need my help.

Why Some Homes Take Longer To Sell…

Ocean City, NJ

Snow Covered BoardwalkOcean City, NJ

Here’s a quick note to let you know how I can help you—or anyone you feel comfortable introducing me to.

Sellers who list their houses in a hot market expect to get multiple offers. But when a house languishes without selling, even though plenty of buyers are looking, they wonder what’s wrong. They might think their price is fair, their bedrooms spacious, and their location just right. But buyers are not looking at any one house in isolation; they are comparing it to others. In that light, many features of a home, including price, can look less desirable than it would if standing alone. The only way to know what’s keeping a house from selling is to ask buyers for their input.

As a real estate consultant, my job is to get input from buyers about what interests them so I can help you position your home for the highest price possible. If you, your friends, or family members are planning to sell this year, please contact me at 609-338-3773. When you do, I’ll share with you a copy of my free report, Five Deadly Mistakes Home Sellers Make.

Matthew Haviland, Your Real Estate Consultant For Life Keller Williams Realty Atlantic Shore 609-484-9890 ext 132

P.S. Who do you know who’s thinking about selling a home? Please introduce us so that I can help them see their home through the buyers’ eyes.

How Does Someone Create a More Interesting Life?

I was reading a blog post that asked people how they would define an “interesting life” for themselves. After reading the responses, I thought I’d share one with you that I particularly liked.

Having an interesting life doesn’t mean it has to be interesting to anyone else. It also doesn’t mean you have to do the typical things most people associate with being interesting, such as travel.

Beach-at-sunsetThe definition of the word interesting, in application to life, is different to everyone.

I have done things such as swim with dolphins, ride a horse along the beach, rappel down a steep cliff, star in high school plays, have my picture in the newspaper, ride home on the first train of morning because I missed the last train the night before, roll around in a large plastic ball on water, walk on stilts for a circus company, teach a college course, sew my own clothing, make actual useful things in woodshop, and more. The list of random things goes on and on.

Are these things going to make me famous? No. Are they exciting enough to make a book out of? Probably not. Do you think any of those things are interesting at all? I have no idea. But I feel I’ve had an interesting and meaningful life so far.

Sometimes what we think of as interesting is some external idealized life. But if you listed all the things you’ve done in your life, I’ll bet you’d have a fairly long list of things that you found interesting at the time, and even more so in hindsight. From that list, you may find yourself feeling motivated to do something a little different to recapture that feeling of doing something interesting. Go for it!


Matt Haviland
Your Real Estate Consultant For Life

P.S. I’m amazed at the interesting things people have done with their lives. Next time we talk, I may just ask you about some of the interesting things you’ve done. You can always reach me at: 609-338-3773.

P.P.S.  If you’d like to view or download my entire February newsletter filled with interesting articles and ideas click here:  February 2015 Newsletter – Matt

FHA and USDA Mortgage Updates In Galloway and Egg Harbor Township, NJ

FHA will be lowering their mortgage insurance starting today, 1/26. The monthly mortgage insurance will drop from 1.35% to .85%. This will help bring FHA’s monthly insurance more in-line with USDA and Conventional mortgage insurance. FHA is still the #1 first time homebuyers program as it still only requires 3.5% down, and we require only a 580 credit score. Some good news at least, especially with USDA going away in certain areas. FHA is not the end of the world and is a great loan program!!!


I have just received word that as of February 2nd, 2015, USDA is officially changing its maps. For Atlantic County, it will make EHT ineligible and parts of Galloway (closer to Absecon). Feel free to call me with any questions about this:

Home For Sale

Egg Harbor City Is Eligible For FHA and USDA Financing

Thus, the ineligible area maps based on the above classifications will be effective on February 2, 2015. The changes will be those already published on the “Future Eligible Areas” maps posted on the Eligibility Website

 Jim Malamut

Greentree Mortgage


Cell: 609-432-2829

Office: 609-646-5555


Why Sign an Agreement with Your Agent?

Here’s a quick note to let you know how I can help you—or anyone you feel comfortable introducing me to.

Real estate agents often ask home buyers to sign a formal agreement that commits the buyer to working with that agent. Usually no money exchanges hands for this agreement, but it does commit the buyer to working with that agent for a period of time. Why would a buyer do this? Primarily to ensure that they are working with the best real estate agent they can, which will matter the deeper they go into the home buying process.

Happy Buyer Clients

Happy Buyer Clients

The buyer doesn’t pay the agent, but the agent will invest significant time working with the buyer. Without a commitment, a real estate agent can’t guarantee they’ll make money in exchange for the time spent with that buyer. If a buyer wants to work with a great agent, they’ll be willing to make a commitment in exchange for that agent’s time.

If you or someone you know wants to buy a house in the next few months, please let me know at 609-338-3773.  Also get a copy of my report, Making the Move Easy On the Kids.

Matthew Haviland,

Your Real Estate Consultant For Life Keller Williams Realty Atlantic Shore 609-484-9890 ext 132

P.S. Who do you know who’s thin

king about buying a home? Please introduce us so that I can help them have a great home buying experience from start to finish.

Helping Happy Home Buyers And Sellers

Mildy, Augustin and Lilliam.  New home buyers.

Mildy, Augustin and Lilliam. New home buyers.

I love helping home buyers and sellers make their dreams come true!  In today’s real estate economy there are many challenges and opportunities.  I’m grateful that my clients choose me to help them buy and sell their home.


Fruit basket

Earlier this month I helped a family purchase their first home.  And to my surprise a few days later I received this wonderful edible arrangement at my office.  Congratulations to Augustin, Mildy and Lilliam and your family.  MattIMG_1591

Getting Perspective This New Year


Sunset Beach, Cape May, NJ

Each of us can probably identify times when a moment, a day, a year, or even our whole lives changed in an instant—not because we did something different—but simply because our perspective shifted. Here is a very small story from the website that illustrates how simple and powerful a different perspective can be:

One day I was shopping with my child after work to pick up supplies needed for an employee celebration. I was exhausted and wanted to get in and out quickly. My child was tired and cranky and wanted out of the shopping cart. She was grabbing for every item we passed.

I was losing my patience and temper when an elderly woman came over to us. She took my child’s hand, and said “What a lovely child.” My little girl was quiet immediately. The woman looked at me. She had an angelic smile and then again said, “They are so wonderful at this age.”

At once I felt peaceful and in control of the situation. After the lady walked away, I found a snack that pleased my little one and we had a pleasant shopping trip.

This year, one of my New Year’s resolutions is to make an effort to seek a fresh perspective whenever I find myself feeling stressed, angry, or stuck. It won’t be easy, but maybe by thinking of the opposite of whatever I’m thinking, I can gain some distance that will help me move on and be a bigger person in that moment.
I hope you are having a wonderful New Year so far, and wish you success and joy as you kick off 2015!


Matt Haviland
Your Real Estate Consultant For Life

P.S. I would love to hear about your New Year’s resoltuions. You can always reach me at: or phone 609-338-3773

To view or download my full January 2015 Newsletter click here:  January 2015 Newsletter – Matt

Atlantic County First Time Home Buyer Grant Money Now Available – $10,000

The Atlantic County, NJ grant program is now funded with grants available of up to $10,000 for first time home buyers!  All funds are forgiven after 5 years.  This programs does not work for everyone so I’ve outlined the key requirements below.

Free Money!

Free Money! $10,000 Grant For First Time Home Buyers

Eligible Applicants:


  1. Who have resided in Atlantic County for the last 12 months or are employed in Atlantic County.
  2. Who have not owned a home for the last  three years.
  3. With acceptable credit history and the ability to obtain an approved mortgage.
  4. With incomes below 80% of Median income:

These income levels are (2013):

                                                           # of Household  Members 80% of Median Income
1 Person. $38,400
2 Persons $43,900
3 Persons $49,400
4 Persons $54,850
5 Persons $59,250
6 Persons $63,650
7 Persons $68,050
8 Persons $72,450

If you or someone you know may be eligible to qualify for this grant please call me for more details at 609-338-3773.  Time is limited and funds are usually gone in a few months so please call me now.