I was introduced to a home owner last week by a past client of mine that I successfully helped avoid foreclosure. I called the home owner and found out that he was in foreclosure and had missed several years of payments. I gave him some information about his options because he was unsure of what to do.

Time Is Running Out For Homeowners In Foreclosure.
A week later I called to follow up and he told me that he had already received notice that the sheriff sale date was posted. I immediately arranged a complementary legal session for him with our attorney. The attorney advised that short sale was most likely not an option and perhaps bankruptcy would be the only think that could delay the foreclosure.
There are over 12 options to stop foreclosure however most home owners are only aware of one or two options. If you or someone you know is facing foreclosure please contact me now at 609-338-3773. I will give them a copy of my free report 12 Options To Stop Foreclosure In Its Tracks and also an article entitled How To Avoid Getting Conned By Foreclosure Scams.
For homeowners who don’t wish to keep their home I can also do a complementary phone consultation to determine if a Short Sale is an option for them.
There are options to avoid and stop foreclosure. However if homeowners wait too long to seek help you may have little or no options left. Please call me now if you or someone you know needs help at 609-338-3773. Best wishes, Matthew Haviland
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